I’m here to help you step in to the life you desire by breaking through limiting beliefs and blocks that are holding you back. By using my unique strategies and tools I will help you go from feeling stuck to living the life of your dreams.

Hello and welcome to my site!
I’m Valerie Langley – I am an Intuitive SUCCESS Coach and Spiritual Mentor and specialize in meditation, mindfulness and manifestation.
I have seen first hand how meditation has transformed my life and that of my clients. It is a peaceful awesome connection to God and I feel it is the foundation for manifesting. Through meditation I learned how to manifest and have literally made my dreams a reality. You can read more about this in the About Me section.
After seeing the benefits first hand I feel it is my mission to help unlock this amazing secret as well as all the unique tools I have learned and share them with you.
Do you want to bring more abundance in to your life?
Are you struggling with finding a balance between
home life, work life, and social life or just time for you?
Are you looking for more peace and less stress in your day to day busy life?
Are you looking for a stronger connection to God and this amazing universe?
Do you want to know you are being divinely guided
and that your prayers are being heard?
Do you want clarity on what your life purpose is?
If your answer is YES to any one or more of these questions I would love for you to apply for a FREE transformational break through session with me. You will speak directly with me about the possibility of us working together.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain – simply fill in this form!
Before I started the working with Valerie I was stuck on dreaming small, relying on old thoughts and ideas to move me forward in my life and not fully living to my potential both personally and professionally. After going through her coaching program I have developed a solid belief in the power and peace of a meditation practice and have created a road map of what I want in my life, backed by the belief that it is all possible and within reach. I am now literally living my dreams, which are much bigger and bolder, and watching them unfold before my eyes. I’d recommendValerie to anyone who wants to blow the roof off of their present circumstances and make incredible changes in their life.
-Tami clothandkind.com
Before I started working with Valerie, I felt unsettled. While I had everything I had ever wanted–the husband, children, and home I had always dreamed of, I had a nagging feeling that there something missing and wanted to understand my purpose. I learned that Valerie was offering coaching through a friend and was very interested, but afraid. Soon after, I found myself at a social gathering with Valerie and knew that it was divine intervention! I started working with Valerie right away after that. After going through her coaching program I found that there was pain and hurt from my past that I had never faced or forgiven and it was affecting me on a daily basis. It was affecting relationships and had created unrealistic fears. With Valerie’s help, I have accepted the past, but know that it does not define me. Valerie has also changed my life by introducing me to meditation, guiding me through the practice, and helping me implement it in my daily life. I look forward to my meditation time each day! I feel more connected to God, divinely guided, and love the time to simply breathe quietly in the midst of a busy day. She has enriched my spiritual practice enormously! I was afraid in the beginning to share so openly, especially feelings that you worry what others might think. Valerie is compassionate and kind, never judging, and in fact validating many of the things I was experiencing. There has been laughter and tears and everything in between throughout our coaching. She truly cares about her clients and wants only the best life for them. I would recommend Valerie to anyone who seeks a change in their life. You will not regret it!