Let’s Talk ENERGY!
Everything on Earth is made up of energy. That includes you!
“Energy is the property of matter that manifest as a capacity to perform work, such as causing motion or the interaction of molecules. It can be converted in form but not created or destroyed” Wikipedia
Since we are energy it’s super important to know a few ways to keep yours clean and cleared. Have you heard of high vibe or good vibes or even low vibe or bad vibes? Your vibration is the energy you are putting out in to the world. So when you are happy, excited, in love, in joy, at peace these feeling create a high vibration that equals high energy. If you feel sad, mad, depressed, blame or shameful these are low vibrations and create low energy. It’s not good or bad it is just a frequency you are at in this moment. Because you can’t create or destroy energy it’s good to know how to shift it and change it.
So I’m going to give you some practical and simple ways to clean, clear and shift your energy.
- Energetic dusting- just like you dust your furniture and blinds you can dust off your physical body. Literally just brush the air all over your body. Like you’re cleaning your aura. Start from your head doing the front and back and move down your body until you reach your feet. Then push the old energy in to the ground. Give it back to mother earth to recycle it that’s it. Easy Peasy!
- Essential oils- almost any oil will work but my personal favorite to use is called Purify by DoTerra. I like to either put a drop or two on my palm, rub them together take a big whiff and then do an energetic dusting.
You can also diffuse about 4-5 drops and that will not only clean your energy but also anyone who’s in the room as well.
- Take a salt bath- this not only is feels amazing and relaxing but it also cleans your energy. I buy a big bag of Epsom Salts and keep them right by my tub. As an added bonus you can add a few drops of lavender or your favorite essential oil.
- Smudging or Saging- This one is so fun! You need to buy some dried Sage or Palo Santo at your local health food or holistic shop. You can also order online. Get a small glass bowl, plate or even a large open shell.
Light the end of the Sage or Palo Santo and allow the flame to die down so it just smokes. (The bowl or shell is to catch any ashes or to give you a place to put the sage when you are finished.) Once the sage is smoking you just wave it around your body starting at your head going front and back all the way down to your feet. Some like to crack a window to allow the smoke out and to visualize the negative energy leaving. That’s it!
- Spend time outside in nature- This always leaves me feeling clean, clear and refreshed energetically speaking. I love to go on a walk or hike in nature just taking in Gods beauty and magnificence. If you don’t have time to do this just walk in some grass for a few minutes preferably barefooted
- Meditation- I always love a good meditation and this is a great way to clear and clean your energy. Just imagine a white or golden light above your head and let this light wash over you from head to toe.
Now you know how to clean and clear your personal energy I’m also going to share some ways you can do this for your home. I know my house is full of energy with my 4 little ones and then with friends in and out and sometime maintenance people its good to clean up the energetic space. Also if you don’t have much going on it’s important to clear the space of stagnant energy. Here are my top 3 tips for clearing your home.
- Saging/ Smudging a home- This is super effective! Get some sage at your local health/holistic store or some high-end grocery stores like Whole Foods and Earth Fare sell them. Get a small glass bowl, plate or shell to catch any ashes. Start at your front door. Clear yourself first then go around the outside of the door frame leaving the door open or cracked to allow the smoke an exit point step inside and clear the inside of the door frame. Then move to each corner of each room in the house. Allowing the smoke to clear the space. You can also wave it over furniture or in closets or bathrooms. Continue this throughout each room in your house. Once finished you can go out the back door clearing that doorway as well. That is how you smudge your home.
- Essential oils- You can diffuse 4-5 drops of an essential oil in a diffuser. This only covers one or two rooms usually a space around 400ft. You can use most any oil but my favorites are Purify, Lemon and Peppermint and Elevation by DoTerra.
- Salt lamps- These gorgeous lamps are easy to find and add color and texture to your home as well as help to clean the negative energy from the room. The trick here is they must be lit to work. If you have one but don’t have a light in it, it isn’t’ working correctly. The light heats the salt provides and beautiful, relaxing glow and puts off negative ions which can help to neutralize positive ions put out by TV, electronics and microwaves.
- *Bonus* There are so many great ways I can’t help but share one more. Crystals- crystals hold a very high vibrational frequency and can be used to help raise the energy of your home. There are tons of crystals and you can have fun exploring what kind you would like for your home. One that I recommend and is easy to find and good for everything is quartz crystal. You can set these on a table or shelf in a high traffic room or even in your bedroom. I have several crystals I use for bookends. Not only do they look pretty and give some texture to my space they actually help to raise the vibration of the room, so that’s a win-win!
I hope you find these tips helpful and have fun clearing your energy and your home or office. I recommend making this a habit daily like personal hygiene. Just like you take a shower to rinse off the dirt daily you need to take a minute or two to clean up your energy. I promise you will see/feel a shift big or small. Here is a video of saging or smudging a home. If you would like to learn more book a free 30 minute clarity call with me