Do you need a RESET button for your meditation?
As a busy mom of 4 small children I am constantly being pulled in several directions and wear many hats. Between picking everyone up from school and getting them to activities, doing homework and fixing meals, packing lunches, grocery shopping and oh yeah running a growing coaching business. To say the least my plate is full! I absolutely love my life and the business I have created but sometimes I feel like I just need a pause or hit a reset button.
My meditation practice has become my escape from the craziness and reminds me that I am always connect to God and can pull from his strength throughout the day. Especially when everyone seems to need mama. I find it works best for me to get up 15 minutes earlier and start my day in a peaceful connected place. Deepak Chopra says to think of RPM, Rise, Pee, Meditate. When you are just waking up you’re in a easier state of allowing a connection and letting yourself be still and listen and achieving that state of peacefulness that comes with meditation.
Since I can’t sit around all day and meditate I sometimes lose that sense of peace in a hurry with the hustle and bustle of the day. While this is totally normal I have found that I am better able to respond instead of react to a situation or circumstance. If I do fall off center it’s a lot easier to get back to a place of peace in a short amount of time. I feel more optimistic about my day and life and more in control of my feelings and emotions. So I can say for certain meditation has changed my life for the better.
Click the video below and get my Tuesday Tip for hitting the reset button with a mini meditation when you only have a minute or two.
If you would like to know more about meditation and how to do it I’m giving away a FREE gift. A webinar I did all about meditation. Just click here on my HOME page and sign up to receive your gift. I do a powerful guided activation meditation at the end you will enjoy listening to over and over. I would love to know how this simple tool helps you to make subtle yet powerful shifts in your life. Please leave a comment telling me all about it.
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